go ahead on that basis and spread it around wherever we can. Really I think this will be for everyone's benefit in the long run and I don't think anyone need be anymore concerned about things than they are now. After all, what difference does it make whether an FP in Podunk gets hold of TVia by subscribing, by seeing one of our ads by writing Sexology for information or by picking it off a stand. I have and will continue to take pains to keep out any identifying information so you can all relax on that count. As for pictures, none that are good enough to appear in the mag. at all are going to be such as to identify your male self, so relax. If too much man shows through I don't print them anyway as I want the pics printed to show FPation in the best light and in a true light since many people who are not FPs will some time or other see the magazine. Maybe we should send copies to Dentist's Offices......yes?
Actually I think the newstand sale will naturally give more exposure, therefore more sales which means more financial stability naturally but also it means more contacts, more potential friends to write to or meet and an increased probability of someone to talk to in your town. This will give you an opportunity to discuss your favorite subject. What will it be, horseracing, football, stock market, international situation or will' you settle for....what's that you call it........] FPation?? Ah yes! In addition to this it will strengthen the whole organization as it gets organized into a Sor- ority with greater strength to make ourselves count, to spread en- lightenment and increase understanding. "In union there is strength' III. "CONTACT": There still seems to be a little confusion about this operation. CONTACT is only another arm of our activities set . up to conform to postal regulations. You do not need to use CON- TACT to send mail addressed to Barbara or Virginia. ONLY MAIL IN- TENDED FOR REMAILING. Remember to enclose such letters in unsealed envelopes, stamped. Sealed letters are opened before mailing to be sure the contents are 0.K. but it looks like the letter had been tampered with. You do not need to send a seperate money order for each letter when several are sent at the same time. M.0.s cost money, so send only one for the total amount necessary.
IV. PLEASE COOPERATE: Only a few of you have returned the auxill- iary questionaire appearing at the end of TVia #12. I'd appreciate it greatly if you'd get it right now, fill it out and mail it in. Remember that one of the purposes of this mag. is to collect infor- mation about FPation which can be used to further acquaint the